Engineer | System Designer

Kursat Uvez

I am a serial software engineer and inventor, driven by curiosity and a desire to learn and grow. Love building things that make a difference and go beep and boop

© Kursat Uvez 2015–2023

High tides. Good vibes.

I enjoy water sports such as wind surfing, kite surfing, and wing foil. Plus advancing fin designs and building experimental water vessels.As a San Francisco resident, I am out at Crissy Field often, a popular spot for wind and kite surfers, and enjoy being part of the local surf community. If you are around stop by to say hello. 🤙

Boat 1-2-3..... and the others

© Kursat Uvez 2015–2023

Kursat is a software engineer with a strong foundation in mathematics, which provides a solid understanding of complex algorithms and data structures. His extensive work experience with large data projects gives him a comprehensive understanding of data analysis and manipulation, as well as the ability to design and implement scalable software systems.
In addition Kursat's technical skills, he has a creative streak and enjoys inventing new things. He is particularly interested in robotics, which allows him to combine his love of technology with his passion for creating new and innovative solutions.

  • Multiple patent holder

  • Lead international teams

  • Shipped large applications

  • 20+ years experience numerous successful products

  • Worked database internals

  • Designed compiler and runtime

  • Designed IOT devices

  • Built electronics with mobile applications

Outside of work, Kursat enjoys engaging in water sports such as wind surfing, kite surfing, and wing foil. He enjoy being outdoors, staying active, and exploring new challenges. As a San Francisco resident, he hangs out frequently at Crissy Field, a popular spot for wind and kite surfers, and enjoy being part of the local surf community.

© Kursat Uvez 2015–2023

Designing IOTs, 3Dprint, Robotics

Strong technical background, a creative spirit, and a love for adventure and the outdoors. I created variety of projects, participated shows, designed different components and some smarter designs along the way. ✌️

  • Wearables

  • 3d Printer

  • Slicer software

  • SF Hearts a public art project

  • Silicon Valley wearable showcase

  • Smart product concepts

I have participated different wearable projects, here's one showcased in Canada.

Press about 2Hot2Cold.

© Kursat Uvez 2015–2023